

Invictus Energy Ltd is committed to generating positive community and environmental outcomes through our activities in Mashonland Central Province and Zimbabwe.

Our shared prosperity approach with shareholders, host governments and local communities strives to ensure all stakeholders benefit from finding, developing and producing natural resources.


Invictus’ presence in Zimbabwe supports the creation of hundreds of jobs directly and indirectly through our operational activity.

More than 80 per cent of Invictus’ workforce is Zimbabwean.

Our seismic survey programs conducted in 2021 and 2023 in partnership with Polaris Natural Resources created more than 200 jobs collectively for local community members.

Drilling operations also employ a significant number of the local community for drilling and support functions and will increase over time as operations grow.

Where possible we prioritise procurement of goods and services from local suppliers.


Strong relationships have been forged throughout the Murazabani and Mbire Districts and surrounds.

This ensures key project stakeholders, local leaders, relevant Government ministries and the broader community remains well informed of the Company’s activity.

Invictus works with dedicated Community Liaison Officers on the ground to communicate with locals and provide a conduit for feedback to the Company.

Management and rehabilitation

We minimise our environmental footprint through stringent management and rehabilitation practices across all aspects of operations.

This includes careful planning around the location of lines throughout the Cabora Bassa Project areas to acquire 2D and 3D seismic data and assistance to expedite vegetation regrowth once activity is complete.

Significant rehabilitation takes place at wellpad sites including re-application of the preserved topsoil which is removed ahead of construction, the planting of endemic flora seeds to accelerate regrowth of vegetation and retaining water ponds to assist re-establishing any cleared vegetation.


Invictus remains committed to seeing through the Ngamo-Gwayi-Sikumi (NGS) REDD+ project, a 30-year contract in partnership with the Forestry Commission of Zimbabwe to protect indigenous forest by implementing programs to mitigate deforestation activities.

The NGS REDD+ project will enable Invictus to fully offset all Scope 1 and 2 emissions generated across the entire lifecycle of the Cabora Bassa project.

This means the Cabora Bassa project has the potential to be one of the world’s first cradle-to-grave carbon neutral oil and gas developments, with emissions to be fully offset from exploration to decommissioning on a Scope 1 and 2 basis.


Improving infrastructure that enables community wellbeing and economic prosperity is a key focus of our corporate social responsibility programs.

The provision of water to communities has been a focus, including drilling of water boreholes, installation of solar panels and pumps and above ground storage tanks to provide year-round and continuous access to water for clinics and communities in the Mbire and Muzarabani districts.

Road rehabilitation and activities to address human-wildlife conflict have involved the upgrade of the road from Muzarabani to Hoya, which has improved access to clinics and schools for the surrounding community. Grading and rehabilitating the 30km Muzarabani to Mahuwe road has maintained a vital access link between the districts for farmers to get their produce from field to market and others who use it as a connector between communities.

More recently our water provision activities are helping us work towards the establishment of fish farms to improve food security,  diversify traditional agriculture and provide additional income to the community.


Invictus continues to deliver an exceptional safety record.

Safe operations is a core pillar of our sustainability framework. Safety is at the forefront of our daily work and is, an important element of decision making at every stage of our operations.

Invictus has a dedicated Health, Safety and Environment function to ensure all of our staff, contractors and suppliers have a full understanding of our safety procedures and comply with our safety standards.

No lost time injuries were encountered during the Mukuyu-1 and Mukuyu-2 drilling campaigns or throughout the CB21 and CB23 Seismic Surveys.

Our aim is to continue this outstanding health and safety performance throughout all our activity.


Invictus has and continues to actively assist the roll out of a number of other measures to assist the community and local businesses in the areas we operate.

Prior to our intervention at Mahuwe clinic, which serves as the regional medical center in the Mbire District, suffered from intermittent water supply which severely affected the maternity ward in particular. We provided water tanks and solar pumps to provide permanent water supply to the maternity clinic.

The Mbire District medical officer Mr Elvis Chidziva – “..with the installation of the water tanks and pumps we have seen great improvements, especially in the labour and delivery departments and with infection prevention and control…”

Invictus upgraded the borehole at Kapatamukombi in the Muzarabani District was previously serviced by an old hand pump that struggled to keep up with the demands of people, livestock and the nearby gardens. We replaced the old manual pump with a modern solar pump and panels, overhead tanks, dedicated pipeline to the nearby gardens and separate water troughs for the livestock. This system now supports the entire community with a nutritional garden serving over 100 families, plenty of water for livestock and frees up the children to attend school instead of pumping water for many hours.

In the first half of 2024 we donated and constructed a temporary women’s shelter to provide dedicated medical assistance and counselling services to vulnerable women in the community while a more permanent centre is under construction. This project was done in partnership with the defence services.

Following completion of activity at the Mukuyu-1 well site, the location and some of the infrastructure was repurposed for to construct a permanent base for a local security contingent.